Our Services
United Forensic Services, P.C. provides independent, impartial, thorough and reliable forensic pathology, autopsy, injury and death investigation consultative services to individuals, attorneys, insurance companies and other agencies. Learn more about our services >
Dr. Joseph Cohen is a board certified forensic pathologist, and the founder and president of United Forensic Services, P.C. Dr. Cohen achieved board certification in 1996 from the American Board of Pathology in anatomic and clinical pathology, and forensic pathology.
More about Dr. Cohen >
Dr. Cohen is available for travel across the U.S. and abroad. Every effort is made to ensure the most efficient modes of communication, including telephonic discussions, live video conferencing or meetings in person. Contact us >
About United Forensic Services, P.C.
The primary goal of United Forensic Services is to incorporate all available information pertaining to a death or injury investigation for the purpose of determining the cause, manner, mode and mechanism of death, and to field questions pertaining to the circumstances of injury or death.
Deaths occur naturally, unnaturally or violently, or due to one or more natural disease processes in combination with physical injury, drug or alcohol toxicity, or physiological stress.
The duties of a forensic pathologist are diverse; hence, the possibilities for use as a resource are many. United Forensic Services regularly provides personal and confidential consultations involving complex, controversial and high profile death and injury investigations.
Thank you for visiting!
Joseph I. Cohen, M.D., Forensic Pathologist
President, United Forensic Services, P.C.
joseph I. cohen, m.d.
- Email Dr. Cohen
877.372.6436 Toll Free
951.346.3245 Fax